\documentclass[aps,twocolumn]{revtex4}        --> 이단편집
\usepackage[]{graphicx}                       --> 그래픽 삽입
\usepackage[]{hangul}			 --> 한글 패키지 추가
\title{7-Day make 50 level}  
\homepage[ \Rupy, 2005. This document is copyrighted. All rights, including commercial rights, are reserved to the author.]  {}  
\affiliation{Dept.of Physics, POSTECH}  
\date{November 11, 2005}  
\begin{center} [{\it Abstract}: You can enter here about the abstract of your report.  ] 
\maketitle If you doen't give up, You can!!!  
나중에 좀더 배워보잣!!!

2005/11/11 02:00 2005/11/11 02:00
2005/07/07 20:02 2005/07/07 20:02