[펌]버뮤다 삼각지대, 미스터리 풀리다!

http://scent.ndsl.kr/view.do?seq=4550& ··· %3Dfalse

#1. 1925년 4월 18일, 일본의 화물선 ‘리히후쿠마루호’가 함부르크로 향하던 중 버뮤다 섬 근처에서 흔적도 없이 사라졌다. 당시의 선원들의 시체는커녕 선체의 파편조차 찾지 못했다.

#2. 1945년 12월 5일, 미국 로더데일 공군기지에서 해군 폭격기 5대가 비행훈련에 나섰다. 하지만 2시간여 만에 폭격기 5대와 승무원 14명이 모두 자취를 감췄다. 뿐만 아니라 사라진 비행기를 찾기 위해 나선 다른 비행기들도 똑같이 행방불명됐다.

#3. 1973년, 2만톤급의 노르웨이 화물선 아니타호가 선원 32명과 함께 사라졌다.

이 사건들은 미스터리 영화 속 한 장면이 아니다. 모두 ‘버뮤다 삼각지대(Bermuda Triangle)’라는 동일한 장소에서 실제로 일어났던 사건들이다. 그렇다면, 이들은 대체 어디로 사라진 것일까.

버 뮤다 삼각지대는 미국 남부에 위치한 플로리다 해협과 버뮤다섬, 푸에르토리코(혹은 아조레스 제도)를 잇는 삼각형 범위 안의 해역을 가리킨다. 지난 500년간 이 지역에서 일어난 선박과 항공기 실종 사고는 수백 건에 이르지만, 그 원인이 명확히 밝혀지지 않아 미스터리 실종 사건으로 기록되어 왔다.

‘마의 삼각지대(Devils Triangle)’라고 불릴 정도로 세계의 불가사의 중 하나로 손꼽히는 이 해역은 수많은 사람들의 호기심을 자극했다. 미국의 유명한 한 예언가는 버뮤다 삼각지대가 전설처럼 내려오는 아틀란티스 대륙이 바닷속으로 가라앉은 자리이고, 당시 뛰어난 과학기술로 개발된 에너지 발생장치가 아직도 작동하고 있어 물체를 소멸시킨 것이라고 생각했다. 이외에도 외계인의 소행이라는 설, 4차원 공간이라는 설 등 다양한 의견들이 등장했으며, 오랜 세월 동안 영화나 소설, 만화의 소재로도 사용됐다.

실종사건의 원인을 과학적으로 밝히려는 노력도 이어졌다. 그 중 ‘지구 자기장 변화설’은 많은 지지를 받았는데, 지구 자기장이 20~25년마다 바뀌기 때문에 자기적인 지진이 갑자기 발생할 수 있다는 설이다. 지구 자기장은 지구 중심부에 존재하는 액체와 비슷한 상태의 물질(철, 니켈)이 움직이면서 생기는 것으로 알려져 있다. 버뮤다 삼각지대는 자기장이 불안정한 지역이어서 자기적인 지진이 일어났을 때, 그 주위를 지나는 선박이나 항공기가 바닷속으로 빨려 들어간다는 것이다. 게다가 자기적인 지진은 일시적으로 일어났다가 사라지기 때문에 대비책을 세울 수도 없다. 어느 정도 그럴듯한 가설이었지만, 버뮤다 삼각지대의 미스터리는 여전히 남아 있었다.

사건의 주범이 심해저의 메탄층이라는 의견도 등장했다. 1998년 지구의 구조와 진화를 밝혀내기 위해 전세계 과학자들과 연구기관이 모여 심해굴착계획(Ocean Drilling Program, ODP)사업에 착수했는데, 버뮤다 심해저에 메탄하이드레이트 층이 존재한다는 것이 밝혀졌다. 이 사업에 참가했던 미국 석유화학회사 엑슨모빌의 리처드 맥클버 박사는 이 지역의 하이드레이트 층이 갑자기 붕괴된다면 가스가 포함된 저밀도의 진흙이 분출되어 엄청난 위력을 발휘할 수 있다고 설명했다. 메탄하이드레이트는 오늘날 대체에너지로 주목받고 있는 천연가스 에너지원으로, 심해저의 저온과 고압 상태에서 메탄가스가 물과 결합해 형성된 얼음모양의 고체 결정이다.

2001년, 미국 해군대학원의 브루스 디나르도 교수도 이 가설에 힘을 실어주었다. 디나르도 교수가 발표한 연구결과는 ‘물속에 많은 기포가 생기면 물의 밀도가 낮아지기 때문에 물 위에 떠 있던 물체가 갑자기 가라앉을 수 있다’는 내용이었다. 연구팀은 이 이론을 뒷받침하기 위해 4L 들이 유리 비커에 물을 채우고, 바닥에서 공기를 다양한 속도로 뿜었다. 그리고 물 위에 물과 공기를 채운 금속공을 떨어뜨려 그 금속공이 얼마나 쉽게 가라앉는지를 살펴봤다. 이 금속공은 떠오르는 기포가 없을 때는 물 위에 겨우 떠 있었지만, 기포를 뿜어주자 곧 가라앉았다.

이 결과로 버뮤다 삼각지대의 미스터리가 메탄가스 기포에 의한 것일 수 있다는 가능성이 제기되었지만, 여전히 확실한 증거로 자리매김하진 못했다. 그 이후에도 연구는 계속되었고, 드디어 2010년 8월, ‘버뮤다 미스터리’의 베일이 벗겨졌다. 호주 멜버른에 있는 모내시 대학의 조세프 모니건 교수가 ‘미국물리학저널’ 에 버뮤다 삼각지대의 선박·항공기 실종 원인은 메탄가스로 인한 자연현상 때문이라는 논문을 발표한 것이다.

모니건 교수는 자신의 연구팀과 함께 다음과 같은 가설을 세웠다. 해저의 갈라진 틈에서 거대한 메탄거품이 대량으로 발생한다면, 수면으로 상승하면서 사방으로 팽창하는 거대한 메탄거품이 생길 것이다. 어떠한 선박이라도 이 메탄거품에 붙잡히면 즉시 부력을 잃고 바다 밑으로 가라앉는다. 선박이 바다에 떠 있을 수 있는 이유는 선박의 무게보다 물에 뜨려는 힘인 ‘부력’이 더 크기 때문이다. 따라서 메탄거품에 의해 부력을 잃게 된다면, 선박은 그 무게를 이기지 못하고 그대로 침몰하게 된다.

하늘에 떠 있는 항공기 실종사고는 어떻게 설명할 수 있을까? 만약 거품의 크기와 밀도가 충분히 크다면, 엄청난 양의 메탄가스가 발생해 하늘에 떠 있는 항공기를 순식간에 덮칠 수 있다. 이때 항공기 엔진에 불이 붙어 추락하게 된다는 것이다.

그렇다면 이 메탄거품은 언제 발생하는 것일까? 메탄거품의 발생을 막을 방법은 없을까? 선박이나 항공기가 실종되는 원인은 밝혔지만 메탄거품의 발생 시기나 빈도를 예측하는 것은 아직까지 연구 과제로 남아 있다. 이렇듯 자연현상 자체가 인간에게는 거대한 미스터리지만, 버뮤다 삼각지대의 미스터리를 풀기 위한 인간의 도전은 계속될 것이다.

글 : 유기현 과학칼럼니스트

2010/09/13 15:58 2010/09/13 15:58

5.4 Vibrational Spectroscopy

출처 : http://www.chem.qmul.ac.uk/surfaces/scc/scat5_4.htm

5.4 Vibrational Spectroscopy

Vibrational spectroscopy provides the most definitive means of identifying the surface species generated upon molecular adsorption and the species generated by surface reactions. In principle, any technique that can be used to obtain vibrational data from solid state or gas phase samples (IR, Raman etc.) can be applied to the study of surfaces - in addition there are a number of techniques which have been specifically developed to study the vibrations of molecules at interfaces (EELS, SFG etc.).

There are, however, only two techniques that are routinely used for vibrational studies of molecules on surfaces - these are :

  1. IR Spectroscopy (of various forms, e.g. RAIRS, MIR)
  2. Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy ( EELS )


2010/01/29 11:26 2010/01/29 11:26

[Paul Dirac] the purest soul in physics

출처 : http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/print/1705

Paul Dirac: the purest soul in physics

Paul Dirac published the first of his papers on "The Quantum Theory of the Electron" seventy years ago this month. The Dirac equation, derived in those papers, is one of the most important equations in physics.

Each day, I walk past the road where Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac lived as a child. It is pleasant to have even this tenuous association with one of the greatest intellects of the 20th century. Paul Dirac was born at 15 Monk Road in Bishopston, Bristol, on 8 August 1902, and educated at the nearby Bishop Road Primary School. The family later moved to Cotham Road, near the University of Bristol, and in 1914 the young Dirac joined Cotham Grammar School, formerly the Merchant Venturers.

Dirac was a student at Bristol University between 1918 and 1923, first in electrical engineering and then in applied mathematics. Much later, he said: "I owe a lot to my engineering training because it [taught] me to tolerate approximations. Previously to that I thought...one should just concentrate on exact equations all the time. Then I got the idea that in the actual world all our equations are only approximate. We must just tend to greater and greater accuracy. In spite of the equations being approximate, they can be beautiful."

Because Dirac was a quiet man - famously quiet, indeed - he is not well known outside physics, although this is slowly changing. In 1995 a plaque to Dirac was unveiled at Westminster Abbey in London and last year Institute of Physics Publishing, which is based in Bristol, named its new building Dirac House.

It is hard to give the flavour of Dirac's achievements in a non-technical article, because his work was so mathematical. He once said: "A great deal of my work is just playing with equations and seeing what they give."

Early days

When Dirac went to Cambridge in 1923, the physics of matter on the smallest scales - in those days this was the physics of the atom - was in ferment. It had been known for more than a decade that the old mechanics of Newton - "classical" mechanics, as it came to be called - does not apply in the microscopic world. In particular, evidence from the light coming out of atoms seemed to indicate that some quantities that in classical mechanics can take any values are actually restricted to a set of particular values: they are "quantized". One of these quantities is the energy of the electrons in an atom. This was strange and shocking. Imagine being told that when your car accelerates from 0 to 70 miles per hour it does so in a series of jumps from one speed to another (say in steps of one thousandth of a mph), with the intermediate speeds simply not existing. It did not make sense, and yet observations seemed to demand such an interpretation.

In the first attempts at a theoretical understanding, physicists tried to find the general rules for imposing these restrictions on classical mechanics - that is rules for quantization. It seemed that in order to quantize, it was necessary first to identify those quantities that do not change when their environment is slowly altered. If a pendulum is slowly shortened, for example, it swings farther and also faster, in such a way that its energy divided by its frequency stays constant. These rules worked for simple atoms and molecules but failed for complicated ones.

Dirac entered physics at the end of this baroque period. One of his first papers was an attempt at a general theory of these unchanging quantities. This is a delicate problem in classical mechanics, not solved even now. It is amazing today to read that paper. In its mathematics it is quite unlike any of Dirac's later works (for example, he brings in fine differences between rational and irrational numbers), and "pre-invents" techniques developed by other people only decades later. (I say pre-invents because the paper was forgotten until recently.)

At this time the situation in atomic physics resembled that at the end of the 16th century, when the old Earth-centred astronomy had to be made ever more elaborate in the face of more accurate observations. The difficulties of the 16th and 20th centuries were resolved in the same way: by a complete shift of thought. In atomic physics this happened suddenly, in 1925, with the discovery by Heisenberg of quantum mechanics. This seemed to throw out classical mechanics completely, though it was built in as a limiting case to ensure that, on larger scales, the new mechanics agreed with more familiar experience. The quantum rules emerged automatically, but from a mathematical framework that was peculiar. For example, it involved multiplication where the result depends on the order in which the multiplication is done. It is as though 2 multiplied by 3 is different from 3 multiplied by 2. Heisenberg found this ugly and unsatisfactory. Dirac disagreed, and just a few months after Heisenberg he published the first of a series of papers in which quantum mechanics took the definitive form we still use today.

The main idea is that the multiplied objects - objects that represent variables we can measure in experiments - should be thought of as operations. An experiment is an operation, of course, even though its result is a number. With this interpretation, it is not surprising that the order matters: we all know that putting on our socks and then our shoes gives a result different from putting on our shoes and then our socks. Dirac found the one simple rule by which a multiplied by b differed from b multiplied by a, and from which the whole of quantum mechanics follows.

The same unification was soon found to include Schrödinger's way of doing quantum mechanics, where the state of a system is represented by a wave whose strength gives the probabilities of the different possible results of measurements on it. For a while this seemed completely different from the framework that Heisenberg had used, but it quickly emerged that in fact each represents Dirac's operators in a different way. It seemed miraculous.

The Dirac equation

Although brilliant - in Einstein's words, "the most logically perfect presentation of quantum mechanics" - this was a reformulation of physics that had, admittedly only just, been discovered. Dirac's main contribution came several years later, when (still in his mid-twenties) he made his most spectacular discovery.

Before quantum mechanics, there had been another revolution in physics, with Einstein's discovery in 1905 that Newton's mechanics fails for matter moving at speeds approaching that of light. To get things right, time had to be regarded as no longer absolute: before-and-after had to be incorporated as a fourth co-ordinate like the familiar three spatial co-ordinates that describe side-to-side, forward-and-backward and up-and-down. Just as what is side-to-side and what is forward-and-backward change when you turn, so time gets mixed in with the other three co-ordinates when you move fast. Now, in the 1920s, came quantum mechanics, showing how Newton's mechanics failed in a different way: on microscopic scales. The question arose: what is the physics of particles that are at the same time small and moving fast?

This was a practical question: the electrons in atoms are small, and they move fast enough for the new quantum mechanics to be slightly inaccurate, since it had been constructed to have as its large-scale limit Newton's mechanics rather than Einstein's. From the start people tried to construct a quantum theory concordant with relativity, but failed to overcome technical obstructions: in particular, their attempts gave probabilities that were negative numbers - something that is nonsense, at least in the usual meaning of probability. The question boiled down to this: what are the right sort of quantum waves describing electrons? And what is the wave equation that governs the dynamics of these waves, while satisfying the requirements of relativity and giving sensible physical predictions?

Dirac's construction of his wave equation for the electron - published in two papers in the Proceedings of the Royal Society (London) in February and March 1928 - contained one of those outrageous leaps of imagination shared by all great advances in thought. He showed that the simplest wave satisfying the requirements was not a simple number but had four components (see below). This seemed like a complication, especially to minds still reeling from the unfamiliarity of the "ordinary" quantum mechanics. Four components! Why should anybody take Dirac's theory seriously?

First, and above all for Dirac, the logic that led to the theory was, although deeply sophisticated, in a sense beautifully simple. Much later, when someone asked him (as many must have done before) "How did you find the Dirac equation?" he is said to have replied: "I found it beautiful." Second, it agreed with precise measurements of the energies of light emitted from atoms, in particularly where these differed from ordinary (non-relativistic) quantum mechanics.

There are two more reasons why the Dirac equation was compelling as the correct description of electrons. To understand them, you should realize that any great physical theory gives back more than is put into it, in the sense that as well as solving the problem that inspired its construction, it explains more and predicts new things. Before the Dirac equation, it was known that the electron spins. The spin is tiny on the scale of everyday but is always the same and plays a central part in the explanation through quantum mechanics of the rules of chemistry and the structure of matter. This spin was a property of the electron, like its mass and its electric charge, whose existence simply had to be assumed before quantum mechanics could be applied. In Dirac's equation, spin did not have to be imported: it emerged - along with the magnetism of the electron - as an inevitable property of an electron that was both a quantum particle and a relativistic one.

So, electron spin was the third reason for believing Dirac's mathematically inspired equation. The fourth came from a consequence of the equation that was puzzling for a few years at first. Related to its four components was the fact that any solution of the equation where the electron had a positive energy had a counterpart where the energy was negative. It gradually became clear that these counterpart solutions could be interpreted as representing a new particle, similar to the electron but with positive rather than negative charge; Dirac called it an "anti-electron", but it soon came to be known as the positron. If an electron encounters a positron, Dirac predicted, the two charges cancel and the pair annihilates, with the combined mass transforming into radiation in the most dramatic expression of Einstein's celebrated equation E = mc2. Thus was antimatter predicted. When the positron was discovered by Anderson in 1932, Dirac's immortality was assured. Dirac and Schrödinger shared the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1933.

Nowadays, positrons are used every day in medicine, in PET (positron emission tomography) scanners that pinpoint interesting places in the brain (e.g. places where drugs are chemically active). These work by detecting the radiation as the positrons emitted from radioactive nuclei annihilate with ordinary electrons nearby.  

The Dirac equation

Other achievements

Having explained spin, it was natural for Dirac to try to explain electric charge, and in particular the mysterious fact that it is quantized: all charges found in nature are multiples of the charge on the electron. In classical electricity, there is no basis for this: charges can have any value.

The 1927 Solvay Congress

In 1931 Dirac gave a solution of this problem in an application of quantum mechanics so original that it still astounds us to read it today. He combined electricity with magnetism, in a return to the 18th-century notion of a magnet being a combination of north and south magnetic poles (magnetic charges), in the same way that a charged body contains positive and negative electric charges. That symmetry was lost in the 19th century with the discoveries of Oersted, Ampère and Faraday, culminating in Maxwell's synthesis of all electromagnetic and - in another example of getting out more than you put in - optical phenomena. In its place came a greater simplicity: there are only electric charges, whose movement generates magnetism (and now the motive power for much of our civilisation). The absence of isolated magnetic poles - magnetic monopoles - was built into classical electromagnetism, and also the quantum mechanics that grew out of it.

Dirac wondered if there was any way that magnetic monopoles could be brought into quantum physics without spoiling everything that had grown out of assuming that they did not exist. He found that this could be done, but only if the strength of the monopole (the "magnetic charge") was linked to that of the electric charge, and if both were quantized. This solved the original problem: for consistency with quantum mechanics, the existence of even one monopole anywhere in the universe would suffice to ensure that electric charge must be quantized. The implication is compelling: to account for the quantization of electricity, magnetic poles must exist. After this, Pauli referred to Dirac as "Monopoleon".

Alas, no magnetic monopole has ever been found. Perhaps they do not exist, or perhaps (and there are hints of this in the theory) positive and negative monopoles are so tightly bound together that they have not been separated. Much later, Dirac referred to this theory as "just a disappointment". However, the mathematics he invented to study the monopole - combining geometry with analysis - now forms the basis of the modern theories of fundamental particles.

There were two other seminal contributions to physics in those early years. I have space only to mention them. Dirac applied quantum mechanics to the way light and matter interact. This made him realize that it was necessary to quantize not only particles but the electromagnetic field itself, and led him to the first consistent theory of photons (which had been discovered several decades previously in the beginnings of quantum mechanics). This led to the elaborate and thriving quantum field theories of today.

Dirac also showed how quantum waves for many electrons had to be constructed, incorporating the philosophically intriguing fact that any two of these particles are absolutely identical and so cannot be distinguished in any way. This produced the definitive understanding of earlier rules about how quantum mechanics explains the periodic table of the elements, and provided the basis for the theory of metals and the interior of stars.

Like all scientists at the highest level, Dirac was not afraid to descend from the pinnacle and discuss more down-to-earth matters. Here are two examples. Much of our knowledge comes from light scattered by matter; in particular, that is how we see. In a clever stroke of lateral thinking, Dirac realized that the quantum symmetry between waves of light and waves of matter implied that it is also possible for material particles to be scattered by light, a ghostly possibility that could be observed, as he showed in 1933 in a paper with Peter Kapitza. This was observed for the first time about ten years ago and the manipulation of atoms by laser beams is now a thriving area of applied quantum mechanics - a fact recognized with a Nobel prize last year (Physics World November 1997 p51, print version).

The second example is his Second World War work. In the Manhattan Project to develop the first nuclear bombs, it was necessary to separate isotopes of uranium. One class of methods involved the centrifugal effects of fluid streams that were made to bend. Dirac put the theory of these techniques on a firm basis, and indeed his work in this field has been described as seminal.

Dirac stories

It is not my intention to write about what sort of person Dirac was. But I must mention the genre of "Dirac stories". He was so unusual in the logic and precision of his interaction with the world, both in and out of physics, that tales have become attached to him and have acquired a life of their own. I suppose it matters to a historian whether they are true or apocryphal (or as Norman Mailer says, "factoids"), but to us they have a deeper resonance that transcends fact. Resisting temptation, I retell just two less well known ones.

Like many scientists, Dirac was known to sleep during (other people's) lectures, and then wake and suddenly make a penetrating remark. Once, a speaker stopped, scratched his head and declared: "Here is a minus where there should be a plus. I seem to have made an error of sign." Dirac opened one eye and said: "Or an odd number of them." Another time, Dirac was at a meeting in a castle, when another guest remarked that a certain room was haunted: at midnight, a ghost appeared. In his only reported utterance on matters paranormal, Dirac asked: "Is that midnight Greenwich time, or daylight saving time?"

Dirac's writing was famous for its clarity and simplicity. Every physicist knows his Principles of Quantum Mechanics - such a perfect and complete summary of his views that in later years his lectures consisted of readings from it. There is the story that he was once present when Niels Bohr was writing a scientific paper - with many hesitations and redraftings, as was his custom. Bohr stopped: "I do not know how to finish this sentence." Dirac replied: "I was taught at school that you should never start a sentence without knowing the end of it."

Many physicists have spoken of Dirac with awe. John Wheeler, referring to the sharp light of his intelligence, said "Dirac casts no penumbra." Niels Bohr said: "Of all physicists, Dirac has the purest soul." He is also reported as saying (I cannot now find this quotation): "Dirac did not have a trivial bone in his body."

The mathematician Mark Kac divided geniuses into two classes. There are the ordinary geniuses, whose achievements one imagines other people might emulate, with enormous hard work and a bit of luck. Then there are the magicians, whose inventions are so astounding, so counter to all the intuitions of their colleagues, that it is hard to see how any human could have imagined them. Dirac was a magician.

About the author

Sir Michael Berry is Royal Society Research Professor at the H H Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol BS8 1TL, UK. This is a version of a talk delivered in September 1997 at the official opening of Dirac House, the headquarters of Institute of Physics Publishing.

Further reading

P A M Dirac 1928 The quantum theory of the electron Proc. R. Soc. (London) A 117 610-612
P A M Dirac 1928 The quantum theory of the electron Part II Proc. R. Soc. (London) A 118 351-361
R H Dalitz (ed) 1995 The Collected Works of P A M Dirac 1924-1948 (Cambridge University Press) Buy the book: Amazon UK/Amazon US

2009/01/12 15:34 2009/01/12 15:34

Solid-oxide fuel cell - From Wikipedia


Solid oxide fuel cells, or SOFC, are intended mainly for stationary applications with an output from 1 kW to 2MW. They work at very high temperatures, typically between 700 and 1000ºC. Their off-gases can be used to fire a secondary gas turbine to improve electrical efficiency. Efficiency could reach as much as 70% in these hybrid systems, called Combined Heat and Power device (CHP). In these cells, oxygen ions are transferred through a solid oxide electrolyte material at high temperature to react with hydrogen on the anode side. Due to the high operating temperature of SOFC's, they have no need for expensive catalyst, which is the case of Proton-exchange fuel cells (platinum). This means that SOFC's do not get poisoned by carbon monoxide and this makes them highly fuel-flexible. Solid oxide fuel cells have so far been operated on methane, propane, butane, fermentation gas, gasified biomass and paint fumes. However, sulfur components present in the fuel must be removed before entering the cell, but this can easily be done by an active coal bed or a zinc absorbent.

Thermal expansion demands a uniform and slow heating process at startup. Typically, 8 hours or more are to be expected. Micro-tubular geometries promise much faster start up times, typically 13 minutes.[1]

Unlike most other types of fuel cells, SOFC's can have multiple geometries. The planar geometry is the typical sandwich type geometry employed by most types of fuel cells, where the electrolyte is sandwiched in between the electrodes. SOFC's can also be made in tubular geometries where either air or fuel is passed through the inside of the tube and the other gas is passed along the outside of the tube. The tubular design is advantageous because it is much easier to seal and separate the fuel from the air compared to the planar design. The performance of the planar design is currently better than the performance of the tubular design however, because the planar design has a lower resistance compared to the tubular design.

How a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Works

Cross secton of the three ceramic layers of an SOFC. From left to right: porous cathode, dense electrolyte, porous anode
Cross secton of the three ceramic layers of an SOFC. From left to right: porous cathode, dense electrolyte, porous anode

A solid oxide fuel cell is made up of four layers, three of which are ceramics (hence the name). A single cell consisting of these four layers stacked together is typically only a few millimeters thick. Hundreds of these cells are then stacked together in series to form what most people refer to as a “solid oxide fuel cell.” The ceramics used in SOFCs do not become electrically and ionically active until they reach very high temperature and as a consequence the stacks have to run at temperatures ranging from 700 to 1200 °C.


The ceramic cathode layer must be porous, so that it allows air flow through it and into the electrolyte. There are various types of ceramic materials used for the cathode, but all of them must be electrically conductive. The cathode is the negative side of the cell towards which electrons flow. It is the side that is exposed to air and its purpose is to use electrons to reduce the oxygen molecules in the air to oxygen ions.


The electrolyte is the dense, gas-tight layer of each cell that acts as a membrane separating the air on the cathode side from the fuel on the anode side. There are many ceramic materials that are being studied for use as an electrolyte, but the most common are zirconium oxide based. Besides being air-tight, the electrolyte must also be electrically insulating so that the electrons resulting from the oxidation reaction on the anode side are forced to travel through an external circuit before reaching the cathode side. The most important requirement of the electrolyte however is that it must be able to conduct oxygen ions from the cathode to the anode. For this reason, the suitability of an electrolyte material is typically measured in ionic conductivity.


The ceramic anode layer must be very porous to allow the fuel to flow to the electrolyte. Like the cathode, it must conduct electricity. The most common material used is a cermet made up of nickel mixed with the ceramic material that is used for the electrolyte in that particular cell. The anode is commonly the thickest and strongest layer in each individual cell, and is often the layer that provides the mechanical support. Electrochemically speaking, the anode’s job is to use the oxygen ions that diffuse through the electrolyte to oxidize the fuel (hydrogen). The oxidation reaction between the oxygen ions and the hydrogen fuel produces both water and electricity.


The interconnect can be either a metallic or ceramic layer that sits between each individual cell. Its purpose is to connect each cell in series, so that the electricity each cell generates can be combined. Because the interconnect is exposed to both the oxidizing and reducing side of the cell at high temperatures, it must be extremely stable. For this reason, ceramics have been more successful in the long term than metals as interconnect materials. However, these ceramic interconnect materials are extremely expensive. Fortunately, inexpensive metallic materials are becoming more promising as lower temperature (600-800°C) SOFCs are developed.


Research is going now in the direction of lower-temperature SOFC (600ºC) in order to decrease the materials cost, which will enable the use of metallic materials with better mechanical properties and thermal conductivity.

Research is also going on in reducing start-up time to be able to implement SOFC's in mobile applications. Due to their fuel flexibility they may run on partially reformed diesel, and this makes SOFC's interesting as auxiliary power units (APU) in refrigerated trucks.

Specifically, Delphi Automotive Systems and BMW are developing an SOFC that will power auxiliary units in automobiles. A high-temperature SOFC will generate all of the needed electricity to allow the engine to be smaller and more efficient. The SOFC would run on the same gasoline or diesel as the engine and would keep the air conditioning unit and other necessary electrical systems running while the engine shuts off when not needed (e.g., at a stop light).

Rolls-Royce are developing Solid-Oxide Fuel Cells produced by screen printing onto inexpensive ceramic materials. Rolls-Royce Fuel Cell Systems Ltd is developing a SOFC gas turbine hybrid system fuelled by natural gas for power generation applications generating power of the order of a megawatt.[2]

Ceres Power Ltd. are developing a low cost and low temperature (500-600 degrees) SOFC using cerium gadolinium oxide in place of current industry standard ceramic (yttria stablised zirconia) which allows the use of stainless steel to support the ceramic.

See also

Notes and references

  1. Sharke, Paul (2004). "Freedom of Choice". Mechanical Engineering 126 (10): 33.
  2. Adamson, F (2004). "Propagating Reaction Fronts in Zirconia Tubes". PhD thesis.

P. Batfalsky, V.A.C. Haanappel, J. Malzbender, N.H. Menzler, V. Shemet, I.C. Vinke, R.W. Steinbrech, Chemical interaction between glass–ceramic sealants and interconnect steels in SOFC stacks, Journal of Power Sources, 155 (2006) 128.

J. Malzbender, T. Wakui, R.W. Steinbrech, L. Singheiser, Deflection of Planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cells During Sealing and Cooling of Stacks, Fuel Cell 2 (2006) 123.

External links

2006/12/09 17:04 2006/12/09 17:04

Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

출처 : www.corrosion-doctors.org/FuelCell/sofc.htm

Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

SOFCs have recently emerged as a serious high temperature fuel cell technology. Of primary importance is the fact that SOFCs require no liquid electrolyte, with associated Corrosionand electrolyte management problems. This system is based upon the use of a solid ceramic as the electrolyte and operates at extremely high temperatures (1000°C). This high operating temperature allows internal reforming, promotes rapid electrocatalysis with non-precious metals, and produces high quality byproduct heat for cogeneration. It is best suited for provision of power in utility applications due to the significant time required to reach operating temperatures. Programs are underway in Japan and in U.S. The development of suitable materials and the fabrication of ceramic structures are presently the key technical challenges facing SOFCs. A schematic description of the components in a SOFC is shown here:

Solid oxide fuel cell

The electrolyte typically consists of a solid non-porous such as Y2O3 stabilized ZrO2 with conductivity based on oxygen ions (O2-). Typically the anode is made of a Co-ZrO2 or Ni-ZrO2 cermet, and the cathode of Sr doped LaMnO3. The solid state character of all SOFC components means that there is no fundamental restriction on the cell configuration. Cells are being constructed in two main configurations, i.e. tubular cells, such as those being developed at Westinghouse Electric Corporation since the late 1950s, and a flat plate configuration adopted more recently by many other developers.

EPRI considers SOFCs, which employ a ceramic, solid-state electrolyte (zirconium oxide stabilized with yttrium oxide), the only fuel cell technology with the potential to span market-competitive applications from residential loads as small as 2 kW to wholesale distributed generation units of 10 - 25 MW. Because SOFCs operate at a higher temperature than MCFCs, their simple system efficiency is theoretically not quite as good as that of MCFCs, although it is better than the efficiencies of PAFCs and PEM fuel cells. But the 850 - 1000°C waste heat that SOFCs produce, when used for cogeneration or for driving an integrated gas turbine, can boost overall system energy efficiency to very attractive levels. Moreover, SOFCs operate at a high enough temperature to incorporate in their an internal fuel reformer that uses heat from the fuel cell, along with recycled steam and a catalyst, to convert natural gas directly into a hydrogen-rich fuel.

High-efficiency systems coupling advanced SOFCs with small gas turbines and having a combined rating in the range of 250 kW to 25 MW are expected to fit into grid-support or industrial on-site generation markets, and they potentially could compete head-on with wholesale power rates. Both PEM fuel cells and SOFCs could someday be suitable for small-scale residential market applications if ultimate cost goals are reached, i.e. $1000/kW.

2006/12/08 14:30 2006/12/08 14:30

‘고체로 수소 저장’ 물질구조 발견

‘수소車상용화’ 한발짝 다가섰다

2006년 08월 05일| 글 | 김동욱 동아일보 기자ㆍcreating@donga.com |

수소자동차 상용화를 앞당길 수 있는 새로운 물질 구조가 국내 연구팀에 의해 발견됐다. 서울대 물리천문학부 임지순 교수 연구팀은 수소를 고체 상태에서 저장할 수 있는 물질 구조를 발견했다고 4일 밝혔다.

이 연구결과는 물리학 분야에서 세계 최고 권위의 학술지인 ‘피지컬 리뷰 레터’에 이날 게재됐다.

연구팀은 슈퍼컴퓨터를 이용해 수백 가지의 다양한 물질 구조를 설계하는 과정에서 플라스틱을 이루는 물질인 ‘폴리머’를 뭉치지 않게 분산시켜 ‘티타늄’ 원자를 달면 다양한 수소가 달라붙어 안전하게 저장된다는 사실을 발견했다.

연구팀은 “이런 구조로 상온·상압에서 수소를 저장하면 그 저장량이 2010년 미국 에너지부 목표치보다 25% 이상 초과할 정도로 획기적으로 늘어나게 된다”고 밝혔다.

수소자동차는 세계적인 자동차 회사들이 경쟁적으로 개발을 시도하고 있으나 수소를 가스 상태로 탱크에 저장하면 부피가 크고 폭발 위험을 안고 있어 안전한 저장물질을 찾는 것이 학계와 산업계의 오랜 숙제였다.

이번에 발견된 물질 구조를 수소자동차 상용화 개발에 응용하면 이 과제를 해결할 수 있다.

서울대 물리천문학부 임지순 교수 연구팀이 발견한 수소를 고체 상태에서 저장할 수 있는 물질 구조. a)는 폴리아세틸렌에 티타늄이 결합된 상태에 수소(빨간색)가 붙어있는 모습. b)는 폴리아닐린에 티타늄이 결합된 상태에 수소들이 붙어있는 모습. 자료 제공 서울대

임 교수는 “이번 연구로 청정에너지와 대체에너지로 관심을 받고 있는 수소 에너지 개발 분야의 경쟁에서 유리한 위치를 확보하는

한편 세계적으로 경쟁이 치열한 수소자동차의 상용화에서도 한발 먼저 앞으로 나아갔음을 증명했다”고 설명했다.

연료전지에 관련해서 좋은 논문이 나왔나보네;;
내가 하는 연구도 돈벌이가 되는 결과가 나와야 할텐데 말야 ㅋ
2006/08/11 18:14 2006/08/11 18:14

Numerov method

생물학적 수소제조에 대하여

출처 :  http://www.h2.re.kr/

   태양광을 에너지로 이용하며, 물이나 유기물질로부터 미생물 내에 존재하는 자가 증식형 메카니즘에 의한 수소 생산은 에너지 생산 기술일 뿐만 아니라, 공기중 이산화탄소를 변환하여 탄수화물로 미생물 내에 축적하는 이산화탄소 저감 환경기술이며, 유기물질 농도가 높은 식품계 공장 폐수에 적용할 경우 유기물질로부터 수소를 생산하고 폐수의 COD를 낮추는 환경처리도 할 수 있다. 또한 광합성 미생물 자체에 축적되는 β-carotene, astaxanthin과 같은 고부가가치 식․의약품의 생산기술로도 활용되고 있다.
   생물학적 수소생산 기술은 다양하여 기질로 사용되는 원료물질에 따라 물, 유기물, 가스로 크게 구분되며, 또한 미생물의 다양한 메카니즘에 따라 여러가지 기술이 알려져있으며 아직도 새운 기술 및 다양한 수소 생산 미생물에 대한 연구가 왕성하다. 이 중에서도 ① 녹조류 (green algae)가 광합성 메카니즘에 의해 물로부터 양성자와 전자를 공급받아 수소를 생산하는 직접 물 분해 수소생산 기술(direct bio-photolysis) ② 광합성 작용에 의해 물을 분해하여 산소를 발생하고, 동시에 공기 중 이산화탄소를 고정하여 고분자 저장물질로 균체 내에 합성한 후 혐기 발효 또는 광합성 발효에 의해 수소를 발생하는 간접 물 분해 수소생산 기술(indirect bio-photolysis or two stage photolysis) ③ 최근 일본을 비롯한 유기성 폐자원이 풍부한 국가에서 집중적으로 연구되는 기술로써, 유기물로부터 purple non-sulfur bacteria에 의한 광합성 발효에 의한 수소생산(photo-fermentation) 또는 ④ 광이 존재하지 않는 조건에서 혐기 미생물에 의해 유기물 자체가 에너지원으로  사용되는 발효에 의한 수소생산 기술 (dark fermentation) ⑤ 광합성에 관여하는 엽록체 및 미생물 효소를 추출하여, 물 또는 유기물로 부터 수소를 발생하는 균체 외 (in vitro) 수소 발생 ⑥ 광합성 미생물의 일산화탄소 가스 전환 반응 (microbial shift reaction)에 의한 수소 생산 기술로 구분할 수있다. 

   국내의 산업 및 자연환경에 가장 적합하고 실용화 가능성이 높은 것은 무엇일까?

   첫 째 유기물로부터 혐기미생물을 이용한 dark-fermentation과 광합성 미생물을 이용한 photo-fermentation을 연속적으로 적용하여 유기성 폐수 및 폐기물로부터 최대 효율로 수소를 생산하는 연구와, 둘째 미생물이 생산하는 수소생산 관련 효소 및 광합성 시스템을 균체 외로 분리하여 물 또는 유기물로부터 in vitro 방법에 의한 수소생산을 개발하여, 수소에너지 시스템과 연계한 대량 생산이다.  

   혐기 및 광합성 발효에 의한 유기물질로부터 수소생산은 최근 국내 및 일본을 비롯한 유기성 폐자원이 풍부한 나라에서 집중적으로 연구되는 기술로서, 유기물로부터 혐기 및 광합성 미생물을 각각 적용시킴으로써 수소를 생산하는 즉, 유기물 자체가 에너지원으로 사용되는 발효에 의한 수소발생 기술이다.
   수소를 생산할 수 있는 세균 중에는 빛이 없는 혐기 발효 조건에서 유기물을 이용하여 배양액 중에 각종 유기산, 유기용매를 축적하고, 동시에 수소와 이산화탄소를 발생한다.  클로스트리디움 속은 가장 잘 알려진 혐기 발효 수소생성 세균이며 현재 이들을 이용한 수소생산에 관한 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있다.

       C6H12O6(glucose) +6H2O → 2CH3COOH (acetic acid) + 4H2 + 2CO2

       C6H12O6(glucose)  → 2CH3(CH)2COOH (butyric acid) + 2H2 + 2CO2

   위의 경우 glucose 1 분자는 혐기 미생물이 갖는 자체 내 발효 메카니즘에 의해 2 분자의 acetic acid와 동시에 4분자의 수소를 생산한다. 생성되는 수소양은 어떠한 유기산이 생성되는가에 따라 차이는 있지만, butyric acid가 생성될 경우는 2분자의 수소가 발생한다.

   이와 같은 수소생성량은 glucose 1분자로부터 최대 생성되는 12분자 수소 중 4분자만이 생성되므로 약 33% 전환에 불과하지만, 동시에 발생하는 유기산 즉 acetic acid나 butyric acid 등은 광합성 세균에 의한 발효로 다시 수소 생산을 유도할 수 있다. 즉,

       2CH3COOH (acetic acid) +4H2O → 4CO2 + 8H2

   광합성 세균은 조류나 식물이 PS I(Photosynthetic system I) 과 PS II (Photosynthetic system II)를 모두 광합성에 이용하는 것과는 달리 PS I 만을 이용하여 광합성과 수소생산을 한다. 즉 cytochrome 색소 복합체로 구성된 반응계(reaction center)가 있어서 빛에너지를 색소가 흡수하면 반응계의 전위차가 형성되어 cyclic 전자 전달계를 생성하며, 이때 ATP라는 고 에너지 화합물을 합성한다. 한편 기질로부터 공급된 전자는 ferredoxin에 전달되고, 이 환원력과 ATP를 이용하여 nitrogenase 효소는 양성자(H+)를 수소 H2를 환원한다. 광합성 세균은 대사적인 다양성을 갖고있어 산소가 있을 경우나 없을 경우 모두 성장 할 수 있고 , 광합성 작용으로 수소를 생산할 수 있다. 이러한 다양성 때문에 기질의 이용효율에 차이는 있지만 단당류, 이당류 및 각종 유기산을 모두 배양 기질로 사용할 수 있어서 실질적으로 수소 생산을 쉽게 유도할 수 있다. 광합성 세균 중에서 대표적으로 이용되는 홍색 비유황 세균(purple non-sulfur bacteria)는 이론적으로 acetic, lactic, 또는 butyric acids로부터 각각 4, 6, 7분자의 수소가 생성된다. 정리하면 glucose 1분자로부터 혐기 세균과 광합성 세균을 적용할 때 최대 12분자의 수소가 발생하지만 실질적으로는 미생물의 배양조건 즉 pH 변화, 빛 이용효율, 온도등에 의해 최대 8-9분자가 발생하는 것으로 보고되고 있다. 유기물질이 다량 함유되어 있는 식품계 공장폐수나 하천 슬러지, 농수산 시장의 폐기물은 이와 같은 혐기 및 광합성 세균을 이용하여 수소를 생산할 수 있는 좋은 바이오매스로써 에너지 생산과 환경 처리를 동시에 할 수 있는 것으로 타당성이 검토되어 국내외에서 기술이 개발 중이다.
2006/04/12 15:47 2006/04/12 15:47

[Cololr Centers]보석이 반짝이는 이유


녹색 다이아 : missing carbon atom which absorbs red light

Amethyst is a violet tinted gemstone consisting of crystalline quartz with iron as an added impurity. The iron impurity in amethyst acts differently from the chromium impurity in ruby which makes ruby red. In ruby the impurity is excited directly by the "visible" photon; in amethyst, it is not. Instead, the impurity in amethyst creates another unstable species in the crystal and this new species jumps to an excited state by absorbing a "visible" photon. This species is known as a color center. By absorbing a "visible" photon, it makes the crystal appear colored.

The simplest color center is found in sodium chloride or table salt, normally a colorless crystal. Sodium chloride is built from little cubes, with sodium ions Na+and chloride ions Cl- alternating at each corner. Every Na+ is surrounded by Cl- and vice versa; and the attraction between the positive and negative charges makes salt a strong crystal. When salt is bombarded by high energy radiation (cosmic rays from outer space or gamma rays from a radioactive source), a Cl- can be ejected from the crystal, creating a vacancy where the Cl- had been. Momentarily the crystal is no longer electrically neutral: it is missing a negative charge. To regain stability, it grabs an available electron close to the crystal and sticks it in the vacancy previously occupied by the ejected Cl-. The crystal then appears as in the following figure.

Figure 10.7, Tilley, p.240

With the electron replacing the ejected Cl-, there are now equal numbers of positive and negative charges in the crystal; and the electron is held firmly in its site by the surrounding positively charged NaNow the crystal has an electron in place of the original Cl-+ ions. This process turns the colorless salt crystal into an orange/brown. The trapped electron, responsible for the color, is known as a "color center." The color center produces the color exactly as the impurity does in the ruby crystal. The color center can also exist in an excited state, and the energy needed to reach that excited state is equal to the energy of a visible photon. The color center actually absorbs a "violet" photon by jumping to the excited state; and the crystal appears with the color orange/brown (the complement of violet).g

Analogous color centers occur in several minerals. In some cases, impurities are involved in forming the color centers.

An iron impurity is responsible for the violet color in amethyst by creatiing a color center. The color center, not the iron impurity, is responsible for absorbing the "yellow" photon that makes amethyst violet. In another example, topaz, a fluoroaluminosilicate with iron as an added impurity, achieves its yellow color by means of a color center, again created by the iron impurity.


Why are some crystals colorless and others colored?

  • Colorless crystals are pure crystals such as diamonds, quartz and corundum. The atoms in a pure crystal form a rigid, regular framework. Neighboring atoms in the framework bind to each other by sharing pairs of electrons in strong chemical bonds. Pure crystals form states of higher energy by "uncoupling" the electron pairs. That takes more energy than is available in a "visible" photon. They are unable to absorb "visible" photons, so they appear colorless.
  • Colored crystals are pure crystals, made impure by adding impurities. The impurities reduce the energy needed to reach higher-energy states. This energy is now comparable to the energy of a "visible" photon. The crystal will absorb a "visible" photon and appear colored.

In some cases (e.g. ruby), an impurity will achieve this if the impurity has an excited state of the right energy. In other cases (e.g. sapphire), an excited state of the right energy can be achieved by charge transfer (or, transfering a charge between) between two impurities. Again (e.g. in amethyst) a new species, a color center, with an excited state of the right energy, can be created within the crystal, formed using vacancies and, often, impurities.

(This page is under development, and might be completed Winter 2002).

Take a century-old glass bottle, and expose it in the desert to the ultraviolet radiation present in strong sunlight. Come back after ten years, and the glass will have acquired an attractive purple color. Heat the bottle in an oven, and the color disappears. Next expose the bottle to an intense source of energetic radiation, as in the cobalt-60 gamma ray cell of Figure 24, and within a few minutes an even deeper purple color appears, as shown in Plate XI.

The color in this "desert amethyst glass" derives from a color center, as do the colors of the natural gemstones amethyst, smoky quartz, and blue and orange topaz. Many other materials, both natural and man-made, can be irradiated to produce color centers, including irradiated blue, yellow, and green diamonds. Some of these colors, such as all the ones mentioned so far, are perfectly stable, losing their color only when heated. Other color centers are unstable and fade when exposed to light, while yet others fade even in the dark.

The term "color center" is sometimes used so loosely that even transition-metal and the band-gap colorations are included. This rare usage ignores the unique characteristics of color centers; the conventional narrow interpretation is followed here.

Consider an ionic crystal, such as the alkali halide sodium chloride NaCl (ordinary table salt), which consists of a three dimensional array of Na+ and Cl- ions. A single Cl- can be missing in two ways. If a compensating Na+ is also missing, then the crystal remains neutral and there are no consequences of interest with respect to color. If, however, a Na+ is not missing, then one way of maintaining electrical neutrality is for a free electron, designated c, to occupy the spot vacated by the Cl-. This is called an F-center, after the German "Farbe" (color), as shown at the top left of Fig. 25. One can view this electron as if it were part of a transition metal in the ligand field of the surrounding K' ions or, preferably, one can view this electron as providing a trapping energy level within the band gap of this transparent wide-band-gap semiconductor material, as shown in Fig. 26.

Some form of relatively high energy such as irradiation by ultraviolet or high-energy electrons, x-rays, or gamma rays can now promote an electron from the valence band into the trap. There are, however, excited energy levels within the trap, such as the level at Ea (at 2.7 eV for NaCI), which can absorb blue light, leading to a yellow-brown color in irradiated defect- containing NaCl; this defect is now called a color center. Note that the electron in this excited energy level is still within the trap. Only by supplying energy corresponding to Eb can the electron leave the trap and return via the conduction band directly to the valence band. This can happen if the crystal is heated, and results in bleaching of the color center. If Eb is about the same size as Eb, then bleaching can occur merely while the material is being illuminated, leading to optical bleaching. If Eb is sufficiently small, the material may even fade in the dark at room temperature. This occurs in self-darkening sun glasses, in which the ultraviolet present in sunlight produces the darkening and room temperature leads to fading as soon as there is no ultraviolet. Other centers are possible in alkali halides, some of which are also shown in Fig. 25; these may absorb in the visible, the ultraviolet, or the infrared. Some such color centers also show fluorescence and some of these can function as laser materials. As alternatives to irradiation, growth in the presence of excess metal or solid-state electrolysis can also be used to generate color centers.

The most general description of a material capable of supporting a color center is given in Fig. 27, in which the colorless state is shown above and the colored state below. Two kinds of precursors are needed: a hole precursor A which can lose an electron, e.g., when absorbing irradiation, to form a hole center A+, and an electron precursor B which can gain the electron lost from A to form the electron center B-. Either A+ or B- can be the color center itself that absorbs light, or even both can do so. On heating, the electron is released from B- and returns to A+', thus restoring the colorless state of A plus B.

A number of gemstone materials derive their beauty from color centers. Colorless "rock-crystal" quartz, shown center above in Plate XI, is composed of silicon oxide SiO2, shown schematically at A in Fig. 27. All natural and synthetic quartz contains the aluminum impurity Al3+, typically replacing one out of every 10,000 Si"; for charge neutrality a hydrogen ion H+ or a Na+ is nearby. Such quartz is colorless, but irradiation, either natural in the ground over many thousands of years or man-provided in 20 minutes in a cobalt-60 gamma source such as that of Fig. 24, now produces smoky quartz, also shown in Plate X1. As illustrated at B in Fig. 28, irradiation ejects an electron from an oxygen adjacent to the Al3+, the whole [AlO4] grouping acting as the hole precursor and converting to the hole center [AlO4]. The electron is trapped by the H+ electron precursor, converting it into the neutral H electron center. In this case it is the hole center that is the color center and provides the gray-to-brown-to-black color of smoky quartz seen in Plate XI. Also shown in this figure is yellow citrine (often erroneously called "smoky topaz"), which is quartz containing Fe3+ instead of Al3+; this produces the purple amethyst, also shown in Plate XI, by an exactly analogous irradiation process leading to the hole color center [FeO4].

The colors of both amethyst and smoky quartz are stable to light but are lost on being heated to 300 to 500"C; if not overheated, the color center and the color can be restored by another irradiation, and so on.

A century ago, glass used to be decolorized with manganese additions to remove the green color caused by iron impurities. It is the Mn2+ left from this process which loses an electron to form the purple Mn7+ shown in Plate XI in the solarization process described at the beginning of this section.

Natural yellow-to-orange-to-brown precious topaz contains a color center stable to light; any colorless topaz can be irradiated to a similar color that, however, is usually unstable and fades in a few days in light. Blue topaz also contains a color center, which can be either natural or manproduced; here both are stable. The exact nature of most of these color centers is unknown. Interestingly enough, the irradiation of colorless diamonds can produce stable yellow, blue, brown, and green colors. Although the first two of these are similar in appearance to the N-caused yellow and the B-caused blue discussed above, they represent much less valued materials, which can be distinguished by spectroscopic and other features.

FIG. 24. A sample being placed into a gamma-ray cell for irradiation by the author.

PLATE XI. Color centers. Above: century-old glass bottle irradiated to form "desert amethyst glass," colorless syntheticquartz crystal as grown, and one that has been irradiated to form smoky quartz. Below: a synthetic citrine quartz colored yellow by Fe and one that has been additionally irradiated to form amethyst.

FIG. 25. Different types of color-center defects in an ionic crystal (schematic).

FIG.26. Trapping of energy from absorbed light in a halide vacancy trap in an alkali-halide crystal.

FIG. 27. The irradiation of hole and electron precursors (a) to form hole and electron centers (b).

FIG. 28. Schematic representation of the structure of quartz (A) and the formation by irradiation of a smoky- quartz color center (B).

2006/03/03 21:16 2006/03/03 21:16

The Adiabatic Principle

The Adiabatic Principle

There is a fundamental principle in physics, found in slightly different forms in mechanics, thermodynamics, and quantum theory, and generally known as the adiabatic principle. Its basic use in physics is to simplify complex analyses by justifying the neglect of certain possible (but hard to calculate) interactions as being almost certainly too small to make a noticeable difference in the final answer (the adiabatic approximation). ‘Adiabatic’ basically means ‘it doesn’t get through’ referring to energy, fields, or information. In its most basic form it is a statement about energy transfer, and it says that it takes time for energy to be transferred from one system to another; therefore the faster something happens, the less energy is transferred. This means, in effect, that a very fast and a relatively much slower process cannot efficiently communicate with one another, cannot transfer energy. This is the basic warrant for the buffering or filtering effect between non-adjacent levels in the timescale hierarchy, and therefore for the usefulness of defining timescales as being distinct from one another in the first place. 

A process which produces change only very slowly seems to us not to be a process at all, but a constant fact of life. Very slow changes do not produce ‘differences that make a difference’ (Bateson 1972) to us; they do not matter to human life. Weather change processes make a big difference to us, but climate change processes are so slow as to be irrelevant (normally, but that may be changing!). The continents are moving, the Earth’s magnetic poles are shifting, the equinoxes are precessing, the rotation of the earth is slowing, the energy output of the sun is changing -- but not fast enough to matter to our sense of geography or day and night. 

Or consider very fast processes, much faster than those at our nominal one-second focal level. If you run fast enough across the hot beachsand your feet get less burned because less total energy is transferred to you in the shorter time (for hot coals you may need additional help.) The extreme case was graphically illustrated in a recent film of H.G. Wells’ classic The Time Machine, in which the protagonist survives a nuclear blast in London by accelerating through time at the maximum rate, thus spending too little time in the actual moments of blast energy for very much of it to transfer to him and the machine. Closer to home, fast molecular and atomic processes within the human body do not play a role in our much slower biochemistry, nor can we decipher speech presented to us more rapidly than the maximum rate at which our neurons can respond and process the signals. Moreover, and this goes beyond and adds to the separability of timescales guaranteed by the adiabatic principle, we are buffered from fast, small-scale events, like ionization of individual atoms in our bodies or even errors in gene transcription, by longer term regulatory and self-correcting processes typical of the intermediate scales of autopoietic or self-organizing systems. 

Of course our small degree of autonomy from the environment, within and without, at smaller scales and larger ones, has its distinct limits. One molecular error in one cell can sometimes lead to a cancer that kills the organism. Someday we may cross a threshold in long-term climate change processes and find sudden droughts and famines on a very human timescale. The adiabatic principle has exceptions, and one of these is fundamental to human social organization.

출처 : http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jaylemke/webs/time/mca-adiabatic.htm
2006/01/06 22:15 2006/01/06 22:15